Once again the fucking idiots in charge of this country have managed to manufacture a completely unnecessary and imaginary crisis and freak right the fuck out about it. And then let it actually happen. Our gloriously useless press is more than happy to cheer on the debacle. They go along because this imaginary self-created crisis perfectly reflects the unfortunately very real beltway consensus that if only there were some perfect, reasonable, moderate people or party in government everybody would get together and talk about reasonable, moderate solutions to this completely imaginary and unnecessary crisis. All while ignoring the few, y'know, actual reasonable people yelling at them. 'Cause "Eew, ick, who wants to talk to a liberal they're always right about everything and so uncivil and so smug. Let's see if we can see what John McCain thinks! He's mavericky!"
Fuck. There haven't been enough fucks in this post yet. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck!
You may be able to tell that I'm more than a little annoyed by this. Yeah, it's personal. My livelihood relies on money from the ebil gubmint. I actually end up saving we taxpayers a pretty decent amount of money because I do the work of the equivalent of about 10 six-figure-salaried federal workers back in DC. I know this is true because they call me to do projects they can't manage to finish. And I don't mind, really -- they're good folks, generally. They mean well, they just work in a completely dysfunctional bureaucracy that values the quantity of meetings you attend over the work you produce.
Nothing has been solidified yet, but there's a pretty decent chance my project (a long running project that actually benefits the general public) will get chopped because of this. We've already been running bare-bones ever since the cuts a few years ago, and we can't absorb another one. It's too bad, I've been producing some especially good work recently -- I finished my most recent project on time and on-budget yesterday in spite of them constantly interrupting me with work on unrelated projects. It's pretty darn cool and has been well received by the folks that have heard about it and seen previews. It may all just be flushed down the shitter along with thousands and thousands of similar projects done by similar unknown wage slaves all over this country just because we're ruled by a cult of Austerity-worshiping center-right fools.
I can get another job, and have options lined up. I'll be fine. Fucking pissed, but fine.
Oh well, might as well see what else I can get done before we get chopped...
There are no solutions to be found between our right-wing Dems and our far right-wing Republicans. That's where the problems come from.
ReplyDeleteWe are left out.
We are left out.
I should think about using up some vacation time.
The Overton Window went out the, um, window.
DeleteAlso - I KNEW THE SEAQUEST WAS REAL! Good job!
DeleteAlso, too: I hope it's clear in the post that "Austerity-worshiping center right fools" actually refers to the fucking useless democrats and not the obviously even worse completely batshit insane radical-far-right republican nutjobs.
That may be what pisses me off the most -- the fucking democrats are completely fucking obsessed with "process" and "bipartisanship" and a "center" that has moved so far to the right (via the Overton window you so rightly point out).
Today's democrats are completely unable to understand they are operating in a government where half of the elected officials don't actually believe the government they work for should even exist (other than the Defense Dept., obvs.)
I'm damn glad it's almost Beer:30
Guess there's nothing to do but give up, then.
ReplyDeleteI'm not giving up. I'll keep doing what I can. Just maybe not for the same people. It's too bad, I like these people. Thankfully I know some folks with more reliable sources of funding that have a place for me to land if I need to. I just hope it doesn't come to that.
DeleteNo, no, the Minister of Optimism has me convinced. Nothing will ever do any good, everything will go to hell, and reproducing was a huge mistake. So it's off to kill my family, because their lives will always get worse.
DeleteRemember, cross ways for sympathy, longways for cemetery!
Who is giving up?
DeleteA start to fighting back is realizing who you're fighting against.
You, zrm, persist in pretending that the neoliberals are not part of the problem. And they persist in taking advantage of that.
You are fighting against a straw ZRM. I pretend nothing of the sort.
DeleteHowever, you propose nothing in the way of a way forward, so that's it then, right?
In any case, I have changed my mind. First I have to kill the Mekons. They're old farts, they should welcome it!
I'd take out BOC, but they've been zombies for years.
DeleteAs a Flaming Lips T-shirt once told me, DRUGS HELPS
ReplyDeleteGood luck, old chum. It's tough to see the organization you're in heading toward a cliff.
ReplyDeleteThanks. At least this cliff doesn't have cliffotines!