Monday, December 15, 2014

Holiday Re-runs

No, this post is not about that racist fuckhead Santa and his shithead reindeer all ganging up on the shiny-nosed Montgomery Ward's mascot. No, this is just lazy blogging.

There was an anniversary recently. You know the one. Nothing's changed in two years, and I don't have anything more to add than what I did two years ago so I'm just gonna point you all to that and get back to our regularly-scheduled shittyness.

Happy holidays, I hope you don't get shot.


  1. Lazy blogging puts you at least one ahead of me.

    But I would think that you might be putting up more posts from your deck, with the supposedly beautiful view for inspiration....

    1. Yeah, it's beautiful and peaceful and I love it. A nice contrast to all the horrible shit elsewhere. I s'pose I should be more inspired to write stuff, but then I'm just... not. Oh well, this too shall pass.

  2. just don't get drunk and fall down the mountain...

  3. Psst - S,N! is borked. No worky. Broke.

    1. It's working for me... Also, happy first day of winter.

    2. Update: regular non-logged-in-to-FYWP commenting is indeed borked. I'll see if I can figure out what's up.

    3. It's back, for now at least.


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