Thursday, April 21, 2011


Reminder: the Teabaggers aren't racist, they're just strict conservatives that really hate big government and socialism.


  1. Racist...and dumb. I wonder how many of them even know Medicare and Medicaid are government programs.

  2. There comes a point when one's insulin supply trumps one's hatred of the black and brown folks.

  3. So.

    Trying to keep one's blog a sekrit from the Zombies results in one being put On the List.

  4. Trying to keep one's blog a sekrit from the Zombies results in one being put On the List.

    Yay! Is it a list of awesomeness?

    But seriously, what sekrit? There wasn't formal announcement or anything, but my name turned into a link at the house of sadlies. I figured that was enough.

  5. Also, those from downunder did not get an invite to the opening! I bet there were sammiches and snacks. Don't worry about us, we'll be all right with our gruel and such.
    Also teabaggers=nutters, say no more

  6. Also, those from downunder did not get an invite to the opening! I bet there were sammiches and snacks.

    No sammiches and snacks, just a lot of beer.


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