In case anybody had questions, or perhaps even concerns about such things, this might help:
You're welcome.
(Sadly, not mine, blatantly stolen from Imgur user RobotsWKnives. Many thanks, anonymous knife-wielding robot!)
This is a place for beer, politics and random geeky shit. Despite the name we are actualy not snobbish at all around here.
In case anybody had questions, or perhaps even concerns about such things, this might help:
You're welcome.
(Sadly, not mine, blatantly stolen from Imgur user RobotsWKnives. Many thanks, anonymous knife-wielding robot!)
Really it's more like "almost verbatim" Hugh Hewitt: "You can't stop it, so you might as well lie back, relax, and enjoy it."
Also, too: I'm back. I'll try to be funny. We'll see.