An occasionally-recurring feature whereupon I reverse-sort my music library by number of plays and select a few gems (and not-so-gems) to annoy my readers with.
First up, There's No Fucking Rules Dude by !!! (yes, really, that's their name). I have absolutely no idea where I got this song. I think it came in a free sampler from someplace a zillion years ago or something:
Next we have some reggae from Yellowman's "Mister Yellowman" album -- Morning Ride. I have no idea how this got into my library, but it's not awful:
And now, for something completely different, we have a fairly recent song that I think I got as a free eMusic download or something. White Hinterland -- Baby:
Lastly, Liquid Tension Experiment, with Universal Mind a nice long and loud instrumental. I actually remember buying this CD, which is nice:
I hope at least some of it annoys the hell out of you.